Archive | December, 2012

Hospital Time

5 Dec

Hey everyone,

I have some sad news,

This post will not be like my usual pieces of fiction or poetry.

The night before Thanksgiving I was involved in a car crash.

I was in the passenger seat,

I remember every detail,

the driver is not hurt–thank-god she is okay.

I broke four bones–but I am alive, my back will heal and so I am completely grateful to God or the Universe all of it–I am grateful to be  alive because I could have died a  million different ways.

At first, I started to write the whole event in full detail. The sensation of hitting the boulder, flipping in the air twice, feeling my back crack, hanging upside down by my seat belt.

But that’s something maybe to horrible to publish just yet. Plus it’s almost ten pages, isn’t that crazy?

That’s why I have not  been writing, and that is why I will not be writing for a while. Maybe I will be, maybe I am wrong.

I love you all. Everyone and thank you for being a part of my process of writing these posts. All the likes and the comments, give me so much motivation that needed kick of inspiration to keep going . I just want to say thank you and I will be back!